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Not All Heroes Wear Capes, They Wear Face Shields

As the Covid19 pandemic continues to turn life as we know it upside down, many of us are asking ourselves, “What can I do to help?”


We’ve all seen the upsetting images and heard the horrific stories of hospitals across the country overflowing with new sick patients and our healthcare workers begging for more medical supplies, and we at Napa Technology have been asking ourselves, “Literally, what can we do to help?” 


We consider ourselves to be a leader in the world of technology and innovation, and there’s never been a better moment in our lifetime to put our heads together and use the resources available to us to support the brave heroes in the medical community who are on the front lines of this crisis. 


We’re excited to announce our in-house 3D printers have successfully started production of face shields, large enough to cover the entire face, and our staff has already begun distributing these masks to local hospitals throughout Las Vegas, Reno, Indiana, and Santa Clara. We’re hopeful this extra supply will help nurses and doctors protect themselves from catching this serious virus, and ease the spread of the virus to others.  


To all our heroes out there, we thank you for your life saving work, and we thank our staff at Napa Technology for their continued innovation during these hard times.


You can support your community as well. If you, or your company, have access to a 3D printer, find what items the staff at your local hospital are in dire need of and see what your system could produce.


Innovation. It starts with you.  


Stay safe out there everyone!