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5 Reasons You Should Use a Wine Cooler

The average wine lover knows that once you uncork a bottle of your favorite wine, there is a fast countdown that begins until that wine is no longer drinkable. The average lifespan of an opened bottle of wine is about 3-5 days, with even less time for sparkling wines. This has been a major inconvenience for consumers that wish to purchase wine in bulk, for example, wine club members, but also want to enjoy their selections at their leisure. Now that so many families don’t have the option of inviting guests over, decanting their wine, and sipping a chosen varietal together, the average wine consumer must store most of their collection. Depending on the supply you have now or wish to have, a wine cooler may be the low-cost answer to your dilemma. 


This article will highlight the 5 reasons your wine collection could benefit from a home wine cooler, plus a few tips to help you find the best system for your wallet. 



One of the most important factors to keep in mind when researching which wine cooler to add to your kitchen (and where) is lighting. The greatest function of a wine cooler is its ability to protect your wine collection from any natural elements that could potentially be damaging. Avoid setting up your new system anywhere that deals with direct sunlight, as the UV rays from the sun can cause the chemical compounds in your wine to break down and alter the aromas of the wine. Nothing is worse than ruining your wine before you’ve even uncorked the bottle. While wine manufacturers do often keep their product in colored glass, remember that method is only a crutch and not a cure. Wine must be stored in a dim location in order to preserve its quality long term. Meaning, you have the option to either store your wine in a closet pantry, or in your fancy wine cooler. Look for coolers that either block sunlight altogether or select a wine cooler with a dual-pane glass window to protect the bottles from outside light. If you’re the kind of wine connoisseur that likes to view your collection, the double pane glass will be your new best friend. 


Helpful Tip: Don’t forget to protect the inside of your wine cooler as well! Use LED lights to avoid harsh rays from reaching the bottles, and save the energy on your electric bill too.



The quickest way to ruin a fine bottle of wine is to store it at the wrong temperature. Wine is a drink as delicate as it is versatile, and when stored improperly it will age too fast and create that terrible vinegar taste every winemaker fears. What’s so beneficial about wine coolers for consumers that prefer to purchase selections in bulk are the systems that include temperature control features with multiple settings. Like the WineStation, a good wine cooler should have multiple settings for multiple varietals. If you live in a home where one person is a fan of red wine and another person who only drinks white, no worries! Look for a cooler that can hold both simultaneously at their proper temperature. Look for dual zone wine coolers, for example, the WineStation Cellar, for machine options that hold multiple selections at once. 



If your wine is picking up good vibrations, then stop! No excitations allowed (oom bop bop). 


Did you know that the more your wine is moved around, the more likely it is that wine will be damaged by sediment? All wine comes with a little bit of sediment inside the bottle, made up of leftover yeast and grape bits from fermentation. This sediment is perfectly natural and safe to drink, but it could also potentially change the flavor of your wine if constantly swirled throughout the bottle. The movement of this sediment creates a chemical reaction that affects the flavor of the wine the more it’s agitated. Think about how much movement occurs every time you take a bottle of wine out of a normal refrigerator and then turn that bottle on its side to pour your wine before returning the bottle to the fridge. That’s a lot of vibrations in every single pour, especially for those that own a wine bar and are pouring dozens of glasses a day. To avoid agitating this sediment and to preserve your wine for as long as possible, consider a wine cooler that also includes a dispensing option, such as the WineSation, to avoid any unnecessary bottle movement and keep these sediments stock-still. 


Helpful Tip: For extra security, consider a wine cooler that includes a locking feature to decrease the risk of spillage, insulates the temperature inside, and is safer for homes with children. 



Adding a home wine cooler into your life can feel like a huge luxury purchase that will have a major impact on the space and aesthetic of your home. During such an uncertain time, luxury purchases have been one of the first things to go. But adding a wine fridge doesn’t need to be a major renovation or take a big chunk out of your wallet. Take the time to look for companies that make home wine coolers that promise an easy build-in with a plug-and-pour set up. Take the WineStation, which can fit in less than one square foot of your home, as an example of a wine cooler that takes up very little space and is ready to pour your first glass as soon as you plug it in. 


Helpful Tip: When choosing where in your home your wine cooler should live, remember what we discussed before and avoid any area that receives direct sunlight.  



When it comes to keeping your wine from going bad, the cleanliness of storage cannot be lacking. That rule applies to your wine cooler, too. Many wine cooler brands come with complicated chemical solutions for their interior tubing systems. Take the stress out of making a mess and shop for brands that make cooling systems that are simple to clean. Ask sales representatives how much upkeep is required with their product, and choose the brand that will save you the most time and money. 


Helpful Tip: Any refrigerator is prone to condensation from time to time. Avoiding leaving the door open as much as possible and keep baking soda nearby to soak up excess moisture if need be. Should condensation continue, have the seal of your wine cooler checked by the manufacturer. 



Every wine lover should consider adding a wine cooler to their home, cost permitting of course. Like a baseball card collector keeps their cards in plastic sleeves, wine collectors should keep their wine in an appropriate system to preserve its quality for as long as they desire. Every winemaker wants their product to be enjoyed by the customer, and the right wine cooler will ensure you will be tasting every selection exactly as the winemaker intended until the very last drop.